This time of year I imagine being a kid again. I remember riding the school bus home, happy that I finally got to wear all my cool-weather new school clothes. Now its so funny because it feels like the kids started back to school just the other day. Remember when it seemed like for-ever until you could bust out the new sweaters and tights? On second thought, it could be global warming because I distinctly remember bobbing for apples at my birthday party one year and it was so warm that everyone ended up IN the tub of apple-bobbing water. Gosh, that was fun. I think I will plan a fall party where we bob for apples this year!

Anyway, in my 26th year I plan to be more adventurous and take more risks. Thats it. To me sometimes a risk is a small thing... like buying a bike knowing that I very well might not use it as much as I should. But I want to take the risk because what if I do end up riding it all the time!?
On Sunday I got a fortune that said to look ahead 3 months, in 3 months something wonderful would happen. I don't know what on earth this could be but I intend to put myself out there more in hopes that something good will come my way.
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